Pharmacy Podcasting: An A to Z Anthology
Podcasting has been fun, but it’s also a lot of work — not to mention, the pay is bad. It includes finding show ideas, guests, planning interviews, setting up calendars, equipment, a good wifi connection, sponsors, solid editing and many, many other elements…like patience (admittedly, a quality I’m not very good at). But, it has been a true honor as I potentially head into year 3 of being a podcast host, in sharing the best of what I’ve seen out there in terms of pharmacy practice and moving the profession forward.
For a short time, I’m going to provide in this post a list of most of my evergreen content and episodes from the pharmacy podcast that I believe are STILL relevant today — even if I recorded the episode soon to be 3+ years ago. (I’ll try to think of it as my own Podcasting White Album, except far less cool, and with far more pharmacy & healthcare geekery in it.) By putting them together in categories, I thought it might be helpful to see the topics bunched together rather than scattered. Some episodes may appear in more than one category below, if relevant. Consider it my holiday gift to the internet. (Even though I still have a problem with free…hahaha!)
To all the guests over the years — THANK YOU for sharing your stories with our audience at Pharmacy Podcast Network. And while I don’t yet know my own path or course for podcasting in 2019 and beyond quite yet, I appreciate each and every guest who shared their stories with our listeners and healthcare professions — this tiny podcast has helped people think about redesigning their careers, and that was always my goal. Todd Eury — thanks for the opportunity as well.
While I’m providing mainly youtube links below, please note that most of these episodes are also on Libsyn, Stitcher, iTunes, and other outlets online and in apps.
This anthology is no longer available publicly. You may follow the current fall 2018 season of PYC here.
Erin L. Albert podcasts on the side. She is senior director of education at ASCP. Opinions in the podcast and above are her own. Erin podcasts for Pharmacy Podcast Network under the Pharming Your Career channel. You can follow the channel at Twitter and Facebook.